
Aren’t you ready to laugh?

Geez, depressing made up media, the virus of the day, gravity is offensive. It goes on and on.. and on.. and on.... and… well, you get the idea.

No, when the world gets you down, you need to lighten UP. And that’s what we’re here for. See, at Laugh Content we like to laugh. That’s why we put it in our name, darn it.

And, you know what? We think YOU do, too.


If you want depressing statistics on the likelihood of waffle makers causing global warming, we’re not for you. If you want to know why ladybugs are offensive to male bugs, we’re not for you. If you want to know the political opinions of a washed up actor doing infomercials for vegan colon cleansers, we.. are.. NOT.. for.. “YOU.”

BUT, if you want to laugh. I mean really, hot overpriced caffé latte shooting out of your nose laugh, then Laugh Content may just be for you.


Funny scripts, hilarious media, gut-busting content, we do it. And, we do it pretty well. So, if you’re worn down and fed up, with the nonstop avalanche of pity pudding you’re eating everyday, call now. Or, email. Or, text. Or, DM.. Whatever.

After all, aren’t you ready you laugh?